So I just entered myself in the One Room Challenge. The day before it started. Of course. Because, well, procrastination.
What is the One Room Challenge you may ask? It is a bi-annual 5 week blog/IG challenge where you transform a space of your choice and document the progress each week, sharing your experience with others who are doing the same!

I almost talked myself out of doing this ORC so many times before signing up. I leave for Morocco this weekend for 12 days. This is definitely going to put a cramp in my style, but I figure over the next week or 2 I can just start planning/ordering, and then use the last few weeks for implementing/installing. I can do this...right?!
For my ORC, I've decided to do our Master Bedroom.
A little backstory on it: We've lived in our home for 5 years and our bedroom has always been the catchall for everything. Friends coming over? Throw it in the bedroom. Basically if we don't have a place for something, it ends up there. It is the wasteland of our home. Looks like a Hoarders episode gone wrong. Scary stuff.
Well guys, I'm so happy to say this is where it ends! I'm getting this Master Bedroom done once and for all!
It's definitely the most neglected and least utilized space in our home. But we all deserve to have a calm oasis we can escape to. And that’s exactly what I want it to be.
So here's the current state of the room. Behold the hideous footage of our bedroom. Everyone loves a good Before Pic right??! (I cannot believe I'm sharing these pictures *cringe*. Don't judge meeeeee.)

And this is the concept for the design:

I want to incorporate lots of white, soft colors, and texture. And of course some charcoal and black for a good contrast! Clean lines, modern touches, yet still very comfy and classic.
Wish me luck as I embark on this new journey! It's been 5 years and I haven't succeeded, so it will be interesting to see what I can cook up in the next 5 weeks.